Spirituality, Imperfection, Deep Down Insights

Back to blogger after some time, a writer struggling for words and time...

Thursday, February 17, 2011


It's a global society of fighting against discrimination, terrorism, escalating economical conflicts, power issues and then next, let's call it proving ones' 'sexual preferences' to be accepted.

When it comes to discrimination, people scream out loud saying 'how racist one could be?', 'how discrimination (color, race, religion, sexual preference...) hurt their feelings' and next thing we know, someone is on 'the tonight's show with Jay Leno' sharing the discomfort, pain or heartache, with a box of tissue, saying to the world how unfair it is?

Or another approach to fight discrimination is, take arms, go kill the 'otherwise' people.

I often thought to myself how lucky I am to learn the American constitution, the essence of fight for freedom banners, and the courage it gives you to fight against discrimination. It is full of awe and respect towards humanity and for the individual itself.

But I am clear that I am not a person who is going to make the common statement, 'I am discriminated', even if really I am in the present era.

This is what I call the intelligent approach. Let's look at it this way!

People fail to understand my magic word 'differences'.

How different we are inside and outside. You say it, but you don't perceive it as a whole.

I was watching the TV show glee. The characters are firmly yelling out to the world, saying 'Be who you are', 'Don't fear to accept yourself' blah blah blah. The importance of being self-eccentric, self-awareness, whatever you call it. Why has the society inclined today to remind every member, 'be your self?'. I see nothing wrong, but I feel as if that society itself misleading us in this approach.

Reason is, during this process of us being ourselves, accepting who we are, fighting for 'our' rights, we forget the rest of others, rest of the world. We DO NOT truly worry inside about the other person who is struggling, not just to be yourself, but to SURVIVE.

The more we try to accept who we are, more we try to pick up the fragile pieces inside ourselves, more we become insecure. We look at the rest of the world in our approach of 'be yourself'. We forget how to be in someone else's shoe, someone else's head, someone else's world. By doing so, we tend to discriminate here. My 'tend' here is like a shape of the wind or a wave. It's a gradual remark.

My point is understanding the differences shall not be started from this false approach of 'being yourself'. It should be understood with an open mind. Coming back to the level of being a basic human being. Not this complicated, highly principled, I-am-all-this-religion person.

When you understand the essence of being human, it helps you to understand why people discriminate? And how we must fight discrimination. Not using a weapon, but with true sincerity. For our self and for our Future generation,

We must understand our differences.