Spirituality, Imperfection, Deep Down Insights

Back to blogger after some time, a writer struggling for words and time...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Singapore Egg Noodles Fried with Veg N Chicken

It was this crazy day I wanted to eat Singaporean. And yes, it was that time Tesco decided to have what-do-you-call a cheesy packet of Tesco Egg Noodles. And I was whistling. No, Not what you think. Not Loud. * :P *

My husband LOVES noodles. Any Noodle-doodle. If you did not know why I have the LOVE-of-Cooking, that's nothing but because of my husband. His love of eating proper food at very punctual times, have inspired me immensely. *yes, man knows his tummy well*

Actually I love cooking for him. Eventhough his reviews are commonly based on ONE WORD.

Me: So do you like it? *rolling eyes*
Husband: *cheeky smile* Nice. (was very geeky too)

Anyway let's cut it out, all my personal notes on culinary arts.

So singaporean. Yeah.

You NEED :
Egg Noodles
Tesco Vegetable Stir-Fry
Amoy Dark & Light Soy-Sauce & Vegetable Oil
Some Celery or (leeks)
Chicken Stock Diluted in Water (let's say about 200mili)
Chicken Boneless cubes
All Purpose Curry Powder

1. Heat up your oil. No I am not gonna mention the quantity. Because I dont cook like that. I mostly use what I think is appropriate. :D But if you are confused, and you wanna know approximate quantity, just buzz me, leave a comment. I ll help.

2. So did you heat up your oil? *go get it on* Yep in a pan or a wok.

3. Get your celery (of course sliced) fried. For some 2 mins. Let it be crunchy look-a-like.

4. Then The Chicken Cubes, add 'em up. Btw, I do wash my chicken with turmeric. Turmeric kills the bacteria, and acts as a nice anti-bacterial agent.

5. You ready? Add your chicken stock graciously. Wait let me get the pic.
here you go......,

6. Now add your all purpose curry powder, along with pepper and salt. Again, do your own math. After all how can you call it your own cooking, or dish if you don't put some brain in to it :P

7. Let the above mixture cook for another generous five-seven minutes. Til you could smell that chicken-ish aroma speeding above your nasal tubes, and no- not til it gives a headache, but maybe a smile. :)

8. Then add your egg noodles bravely. Mix em up with our mighty chicken-stock-chicken mixture. Let it cook now. For another 3 mins letssay.

9. Meantime bring about another pan of yours, all heated and fry the stir-fry veg in oil. aside. Please use a minimal amount of oil. You don't wanna get it all greasy at the end.

10. Once the veg is all cooked, not raw... flip it over to our promising chicken-stocked noodles mixture. I meant add on the vegetable stir-fry to the noodles.

11. Mix, Mix, and Mix. Magical Mix.

12. Now let's use your soy sauces. Both Light and Dark to add flava. Mix it well. And let it cook for five-seven minutes. Please note that the timing I have given are not perfect for the whole dish. They are approximate.

13. Voila. There's your Singaporean Delight. :)

Here's another one.

Enjoy. And Let Me Know What You Think.

Salaam. Peace Be Upon All of You...