Spirituality, Imperfection, Deep Down Insights

Back to blogger after some time, a writer struggling for words and time...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


What does it make you feel? Will you perceive the world in a unique way or different? Are you different if you are in my shoes? Or will I feel safe if I am on your Sandals? Senses are perceptional in different levels. Probably dimensions. If we are at the times of neanderthals will you agree with me? that senses are in fact a basic way of reasoning. *suppose I wouldn't want to question-mark this* However, senses are like impressions. Without our power of analyzing, reasoning and conceptualizing we might not be able to interpret. 
                 If life is a dark matter, if life has other dimensions, how reliable our senses can be? Senses are so important, yet could be an obstacle. An obstacle to feel what we cannot feel. It maybe a hindrance to not know the true nature, since we keep on listening, feeling, seeing, smelling, tasting consciously and unconsciously 
Isn't that the reason we like to have a less of a sense to sharpen the other for varied reasons or experiments? 
Because we would like to feel what we cannot feel. 
Share your thoughts. Sometimes question can provoke constructive thoughts and develop an assertive thinking.

 Picture: Chihuly (Sculptural glass work) 


  1. Yes indeed! Heightens your sense of spirituality. Alhamdulillah

  2. Asalamu alaikum jazakAllah khair for sharing

    If you have some time come and have a look at Fasting - Three changes over at i-reminisces...

    Take Care

  3. I m fasting. Mind posting a link?

  4. waalaikum assalaam warahmethullah and WA iyyakum
