Spirituality, Imperfection, Deep Down Insights

Back to blogger after some time, a writer struggling for words and time...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cultural Meltdown Project

This is a free-verse I really wanted to write for a very long time, portraying the woman behind her tears. 

Please note that this was written to educate and portray the role of muslim women in Sri Lanka. No way this is directed toward a particular individual, gender or a group. It's fictional but based on witnessing some dreadful experiences of women I have met.

I believe it has to change. Paying a hefty dowry from womens' side or by her family, and subjecting them to extortion is Unislamic, as well as marrying anyone off without their consent regardless of their gender is unacceptable.

 Here's my Verses.

The Woman behind her Tears...

You would not hesitate nor would you budge
to paint those walls,

smear them with my tears,
threaten me with your superstitious lies,
and tell me that I cannot read my books, which I may, gracefully hide,
hide from your judgemental eyes.

I will not be allowed to look here or there, imprisoned behind those walls,
you took my favourite smile and told me that he who loved me can never be mine,
but if I wish, I should wish for the one whom you paid with gold-mines, houses, lands, furnitures, fruits and money, and more of nonsense,

''Here, I shall present you the Man of your dreams and Father of your future children, no questions allowed'', you stress and present me, the prince who rides the horse you bought, to indulge my life that no-man knows for what???

Am I that horrible?

Am I that worthless?

Am I that slave of your cultural appetite, your swollen pride?

Am I your bait or Am I your pawn?

and you call me a daughter, a mother or even a sister?

Are you not ashamed, to call me own, then sell me to the highest bid,

for a broken promise of an illusionary happiness,

When will you consider,

to choose over your daughter or your culture,

well before it ruins more of generations,

well before it rips away my childrens' future?

...yes, that future you keep picturing with,

deceived happiness and illusion of unforgiving slavery,

I stand up to seek a cultural meltdown to rescue me.

~ uncalled, generalized victim,
the entire notion of woman in Sri Lankan Culture.

Islam Vs. man-made Culture

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