Spirituality, Imperfection, Deep Down Insights

Back to blogger after some time, a writer struggling for words and time...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cultural Meltdown Project

This is a free-verse I really wanted to write for a very long time, portraying the woman behind her tears. 

Please note that this was written to educate and portray the role of muslim women in Sri Lanka. No way this is directed toward a particular individual, gender or a group. It's fictional but based on witnessing some dreadful experiences of women I have met.

I believe it has to change. Paying a hefty dowry from womens' side or by her family, and subjecting them to extortion is Unislamic, as well as marrying anyone off without their consent regardless of their gender is unacceptable.

 Here's my Verses.

The Woman behind her Tears...

You would not hesitate nor would you budge
to paint those walls,

smear them with my tears,
threaten me with your superstitious lies,
and tell me that I cannot read my books, which I may, gracefully hide,
hide from your judgemental eyes.

I will not be allowed to look here or there, imprisoned behind those walls,
you took my favourite smile and told me that he who loved me can never be mine,
but if I wish, I should wish for the one whom you paid with gold-mines, houses, lands, furnitures, fruits and money, and more of nonsense,

''Here, I shall present you the Man of your dreams and Father of your future children, no questions allowed'', you stress and present me, the prince who rides the horse you bought, to indulge my life that no-man knows for what???

Am I that horrible?

Am I that worthless?

Am I that slave of your cultural appetite, your swollen pride?

Am I your bait or Am I your pawn?

and you call me a daughter, a mother or even a sister?

Are you not ashamed, to call me own, then sell me to the highest bid,

for a broken promise of an illusionary happiness,

When will you consider,

to choose over your daughter or your culture,

well before it ruins more of generations,

well before it rips away my childrens' future?

...yes, that future you keep picturing with,

deceived happiness and illusion of unforgiving slavery,

I stand up to seek a cultural meltdown to rescue me.

~ uncalled, generalized victim,
the entire notion of woman in Sri Lankan Culture.

Islam Vs. man-made Culture

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


What does it make you feel? Will you perceive the world in a unique way or different? Are you different if you are in my shoes? Or will I feel safe if I am on your Sandals? Senses are perceptional in different levels. Probably dimensions. If we are at the times of neanderthals will you agree with me? that senses are in fact a basic way of reasoning. *suppose I wouldn't want to question-mark this* However, senses are like impressions. Without our power of analyzing, reasoning and conceptualizing we might not be able to interpret. 
                 If life is a dark matter, if life has other dimensions, how reliable our senses can be? Senses are so important, yet could be an obstacle. An obstacle to feel what we cannot feel. It maybe a hindrance to not know the true nature, since we keep on listening, feeling, seeing, smelling, tasting consciously and unconsciously 
Isn't that the reason we like to have a less of a sense to sharpen the other for varied reasons or experiments? 
Because we would like to feel what we cannot feel. 
Share your thoughts. Sometimes question can provoke constructive thoughts and develop an assertive thinking.

 Picture: Chihuly (Sculptural glass work) 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Executor by Jesse Kellerman

When I read junior Kellerman's (Jesse Kellerman) The Brutal Art, there was a thought that left in me for a long time. The literature in the brutal art had a very expressive tone that I believed which grasps the mind of a reader, who is enthusiastic in knowing the deep and dark grey areas of characters in a crime-novel.

We all have read the sadistic criminal mind, a heroic detective on the run with an appalling story of his/her love-life or for even much worse, the antagonist may look cleverer than we think.

Somehow JK's books seem to be a bit different from other crime-novelists. At least in the Executor what grips a reader's mind would be the main character, Joseph Geist's narration.

Starting from where his girl friend throws him out firstly for unknown reasons, Geist was forced to make the decision of facing facts. He had lead a life with basic necessities whose expectations wasnt much higher, but had a goal for finishing his dissertation in the subject of philosophy. He narrates his childhood, a couple of traumatic memories in a more sensible and human way that even leads the reader to be sympathetic. It assures the reader of his environment, his experiences that shaped this young philosophical mind.

There were many aspects that amazed me in this particular story. First, the literature. It had the kind of a style that suits a character from a world of academia. Less interested in the outside world, perceived that world in a very different approach, subjugated by the values drawn from the 'philosophical' discipline. It blended really well with the scenario and Kellerman in fact has made a great effort to make the reader comprehend Geist's mindset, values and thoughts.

Then the philosophy. Its interesting, exciting yet cold, grim and grey. I had to say it that way with those exact terms. It educates the reader why Geist had this inclination to believe in a philosopher who believed that God does not exist. Geists past experiences, losing his brother even though they were raised in a catholic, church-going environment explaining probably his atheistic notion later. Quite circumstantial yet unsaid decision for his choice in not believing in God.

Our experiences shape in to what we believe don't they? Interestingly, they can be relative to you and me. But in a more objective tone, I'd say it's easy to believe what we comprehend, it's easy to believe what shapes our thinking, not something that's not higher in understanding  no matter how intellectual we think we are.

Also what fascinated me was the transition. As predictable and normal I was a bit sad at the sudden change in Geist, which I dont want to explain here. Probably that's the surprise element, both for the character and the reader.

The Executor is not what it sounds. At the end you question how Geist has desensitized the world around him. More than ever, for the first time I feel there is a justice done to a so called isolated criminal in a super secured correctional facility. It actually reminds me we all are criminals, we all are guilty of something, we all are imperfect with our own sense of idealistic thinking that lead us to believe we are perfect in some way. Even though the truth is otherwise. Us, Humans.

It was an intellectual, philosophical journey reading this book. I am fascinated with Geitsts question, What is freedom? What is choice? It makes you think. Recommend reading this if you like some serious crime-literature. May sound his job is a bit of an amateur. But don't fantastic work begin with amateurs?

Don't forget to share your thoughts if you read this, My rating 8.5/10

Keep writing Mr. Jesse Kellerman.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Singapore Egg Noodles Fried with Veg N Chicken

It was this crazy day I wanted to eat Singaporean. And yes, it was that time Tesco decided to have what-do-you-call a cheesy packet of Tesco Egg Noodles. And I was whistling. No, Not what you think. Not Loud. * :P *

My husband LOVES noodles. Any Noodle-doodle. If you did not know why I have the LOVE-of-Cooking, that's nothing but because of my husband. His love of eating proper food at very punctual times, have inspired me immensely. *yes, man knows his tummy well*

Actually I love cooking for him. Eventhough his reviews are commonly based on ONE WORD.

Me: So do you like it? *rolling eyes*
Husband: *cheeky smile* Nice. (was very geeky too)

Anyway let's cut it out, all my personal notes on culinary arts.

So singaporean. Yeah.

You NEED :
Egg Noodles
Tesco Vegetable Stir-Fry
Amoy Dark & Light Soy-Sauce & Vegetable Oil
Some Celery or (leeks)
Chicken Stock Diluted in Water (let's say about 200mili)
Chicken Boneless cubes
All Purpose Curry Powder

1. Heat up your oil. No I am not gonna mention the quantity. Because I dont cook like that. I mostly use what I think is appropriate. :D But if you are confused, and you wanna know approximate quantity, just buzz me, leave a comment. I ll help.

2. So did you heat up your oil? *go get it on* Yep in a pan or a wok.

3. Get your celery (of course sliced) fried. For some 2 mins. Let it be crunchy look-a-like.

4. Then The Chicken Cubes, add 'em up. Btw, I do wash my chicken with turmeric. Turmeric kills the bacteria, and acts as a nice anti-bacterial agent.

5. You ready? Add your chicken stock graciously. Wait let me get the pic.
here you go......,

6. Now add your all purpose curry powder, along with pepper and salt. Again, do your own math. After all how can you call it your own cooking, or dish if you don't put some brain in to it :P

7. Let the above mixture cook for another generous five-seven minutes. Til you could smell that chicken-ish aroma speeding above your nasal tubes, and no- not til it gives a headache, but maybe a smile. :)

8. Then add your egg noodles bravely. Mix em up with our mighty chicken-stock-chicken mixture. Let it cook now. For another 3 mins letssay.

9. Meantime bring about another pan of yours, all heated and fry the stir-fry veg in oil. aside. Please use a minimal amount of oil. You don't wanna get it all greasy at the end.

10. Once the veg is all cooked, not raw... flip it over to our promising chicken-stocked noodles mixture. I meant add on the vegetable stir-fry to the noodles.

11. Mix, Mix, and Mix. Magical Mix.

12. Now let's use your soy sauces. Both Light and Dark to add flava. Mix it well. And let it cook for five-seven minutes. Please note that the timing I have given are not perfect for the whole dish. They are approximate.

13. Voila. There's your Singaporean Delight. :)

Here's another one.

Enjoy. And Let Me Know What You Think.

Salaam. Peace Be Upon All of You...

Thursday, February 17, 2011


It's a global society of fighting against discrimination, terrorism, escalating economical conflicts, power issues and then next, let's call it proving ones' 'sexual preferences' to be accepted.

When it comes to discrimination, people scream out loud saying 'how racist one could be?', 'how discrimination (color, race, religion, sexual preference...) hurt their feelings' and next thing we know, someone is on 'the tonight's show with Jay Leno' sharing the discomfort, pain or heartache, with a box of tissue, saying to the world how unfair it is?

Or another approach to fight discrimination is, take arms, go kill the 'otherwise' people.

I often thought to myself how lucky I am to learn the American constitution, the essence of fight for freedom banners, and the courage it gives you to fight against discrimination. It is full of awe and respect towards humanity and for the individual itself.

But I am clear that I am not a person who is going to make the common statement, 'I am discriminated', even if really I am in the present era.

This is what I call the intelligent approach. Let's look at it this way!

People fail to understand my magic word 'differences'.

How different we are inside and outside. You say it, but you don't perceive it as a whole.

I was watching the TV show glee. The characters are firmly yelling out to the world, saying 'Be who you are', 'Don't fear to accept yourself' blah blah blah. The importance of being self-eccentric, self-awareness, whatever you call it. Why has the society inclined today to remind every member, 'be your self?'. I see nothing wrong, but I feel as if that society itself misleading us in this approach.

Reason is, during this process of us being ourselves, accepting who we are, fighting for 'our' rights, we forget the rest of others, rest of the world. We DO NOT truly worry inside about the other person who is struggling, not just to be yourself, but to SURVIVE.

The more we try to accept who we are, more we try to pick up the fragile pieces inside ourselves, more we become insecure. We look at the rest of the world in our approach of 'be yourself'. We forget how to be in someone else's shoe, someone else's head, someone else's world. By doing so, we tend to discriminate here. My 'tend' here is like a shape of the wind or a wave. It's a gradual remark.

My point is understanding the differences shall not be started from this false approach of 'being yourself'. It should be understood with an open mind. Coming back to the level of being a basic human being. Not this complicated, highly principled, I-am-all-this-religion person.

When you understand the essence of being human, it helps you to understand why people discriminate? And how we must fight discrimination. Not using a weapon, but with true sincerity. For our self and for our Future generation,

We must understand our differences.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Let's Get It Over With...

Starting a new blog is like a lot of bloody work. Probably why I have ignored my so called need of 'writing' and then 'blogging'.

I fear that I'd run out of feelings. As in I write what I feel, and I have no more to the inside. I did quit blogging because I might have got addicted to it, probably publicized my life when blogger is like new to the world, and lost my self in to an alias, an alias that proved myself so wrong.

Lets make this short. The whole lot of introductions people make when they have a new blog.
Answering questions like, what this blog is, what's written and what's not, who am I, what I do or what should be done in a particular industry to catch your attention?

I am bored. I need no introduction to be read. Like I am bored with music today, like I am bored with life-styles people choose. It feels like 'it doesn't interest me if you name me what you like'. State me what you know. Talk to me about how imperfect all of us are and that we are not sacred. And we are not angels, but humans.

I leave this at that. Ponder and look forward for my posts. And I welcome all of you with sincerity.